Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Words of Faith: Mayan calendar reminding us to look for change of heart

From, an op-ed piece:  Words of Faith: Mayan calendar reminding us to look for change of heart

There is a calendar that many of us may not be aware of. It is the Mayan Indian calendar.
The calendar spans back to 3,114 B.C.

Their belief was that we enter a cycle every 5,125 years. These cycles were foretold by ancient mystics of the Mayans, Hopi, and Hindu, as well as many more.

The Mayans were geniuses when it came to mathematics, time and calendars.

They devised two calendars, one for rituals, which was used for religious celebrations and astrological predictions, and the other a solar calendar.

Their knowledge of the cycles of the galaxies, planets and our relationship to the sun was profound.
One of the prophecies of the Mayans is that our hatred and materialism will come to an end. On this certain day in 2012, our choice will be to honor all humanity, that the thinking species must disappear as they are destroying the planet and evolve instead toward harmonic integration of the universe, including everything that is alive and conscious.

The Mayans suggest that we are all part of the whole and that we can exist in a new era of light — a time in which all humanity, by conscious decision of each other, decides to change, to eliminate fear and the lack of respect in all our relationships.

Walter Starke, author of “The Star Keys” writes about the Mayans in his introduction.

Starke states, “Humanity has been on a long journey of expanding consciousness and is now emerging from a cycle where predominant focus of consciousness was on objective effects as cause rather than on the true subjective nature of the universe.”

Our lives have been governed by objective laws rather than spiritual principles.

It's time to get our priorities straight.

It is time to become fully aware, spiritual beings, not only connected globally but cosmically.

The calendar year of the Mayans ends Dec. 21, 2012 — an evolution in the awakening consciousness.

Be ready; we're all in this together


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