Monday, December 3, 2012

Chinese Man, Fearing Mayan 2012 Apocalypse, Spends Life Savings Building Ark

From the Tree of Mamre:  Chinese Man, Fearing Mayan 2012 Apocalypse, Spends Life Savings Building Ark
Urumqi, Xinjiang, China is the farthest place in the world from any ocean or large body of water. However, a Chinese man, Lu Zhenghai, has spent his life savings building an ark in anticipation of the December 21, 2012 apocalypse predicted by the Mayan calendar. Here is a photo of the 80-ton craft.
Chinese arkThink about this for one moment: If there was a disaster big enough so that someone living in Urumqi could actually use such a craft, there would be no hope of survival for anyone on earth anyways, no? The nearest ocean is over 1,600 miles away, and the city has an elevation of 2,600 feet.
I wish for once, just once, that instead of wasting money on foolishness people like him would give their money to me, so I could put it to some good use.
 I agree with the author above!


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