Saturday, March 17, 2012

Apr 27: Mayan Calendar Prophecies with Elder Erick GonzalezF

From PR Web: Mayan Calendar Prophecies with Elder Erick Gonzalez; a Workshop on Spiritual Warriorship & Living from the Heart, Blue Deer Center, Catskills, NY, April 27 – 29, 2012

Often associated with doomsday prediction, the Mayan Calendar provides meaningful prophecies for living during these challenging times. Erick Gonzalez, well respected Shaman and internationally known, presents a workshop on Spiritual Warriorship: Living from the Heart. This provides a profound and rare occasion to delve into the essence of the Mayan Calendar prophecies and the indigenous wisdom.

Often associated with doomsday prediction, the Mayan Calendar provides meaningful prophecies for living during these challenging times. Erick Gonzalez, well respected Shaman and internationally known, presents a workshop on Spiritual Warriorship: Living from the Heart. This provides a profound and rare occasion to delve into the essence of the Mayan Calendar prophecies and the indigenous wisdom.

Illuminated in the ancient wisdom of the indigenous Maya, is a path for uniting the earth with the cosmos. Revealing spiritual practices preserved precisely for this time,Erick Gonzalez will share his teachings on spiritual warriorship, living from the heart and the Mayan medicine wheel. We will delve into the essence of the Mayan prophecies and share a traditional fire ceremony, bringing voice to our gratitude and prayers.

Erick Gonzalez, also known by his Tolteca-Azteca name OmeAkaEhekatl, was trained in the ceremonial way over a thirty year period with indigenous healers and medicine people from Mexico, North America, Colombia, Peru, and Guatemala. He has worked with Native Elders and Youth Councils throughout the Americas supporting the work of international sharing and preservation of sacred wisdom teachings since 1979, promoting increased cooperation and unity between diverse communities throughout the world.

Blue Deer Center provides an important setting for teachings and practices that promote balanced relationship with the natural world. They particularly welcome ancestral approaches to healing, ritual, and retreat. The Center's origins are rooted in the Huichol shamanic tradition and living connection to the universal and sacred spirit of fire.

For more information on the Blue Deer Center, visit our website at or call 845-586-3225.

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