Wednesday, March 7, 2012

PA: No mystery behind the 2012 Apocalypse

From Lions Tale (a high school journalism blog): No mystery behind the 2012 Apocalypse
The reason people even started to suspect that the world might end in 2012 in the first place is because on the Mayan Calendar, Dec. 21, 2012, it marks the end of a 5,126-year long era. However, just like a regular calendar does not end on Dec. 31, Dec. 21, 2012, is not the end of the Mayan Calendar. It is just the end of a long-count period, and another period begins after it. This is like any other calendar that restarts on January 1st and begins a new year.

2012 and the preoccupation with the end of the world have been thoroughly analyzed by professionals. NASA scientists have already answered many questions that are frequently asked regarding 2012. They say that “our planet has been getting along fine for more than 4 billion years, and credible scientists worldwide know of no threat associated with 2012.” The story of the ‘end of the world’ started when a small planet was supposed to collide with Earth in May 2003, and when nothing happened, the date was moved up to December 2012. However, any planets said to be headed towards Earth are an internet hoax. If a planet actually were close enough to hit Earth sometime in 2012, astronomers would have been able to track it for the past decade and we would be able to see it now. There are also no planetary alignments scheduled to take place in the next few decades, and even if there were, the effects of these would not be felt on Earth. They would also not do any damage.

In a 2009 article, Lawrence Joseph, who wrote the book Apocalypse 2012 said he “noticed that the Mayan’s end date coincided with a peak in solar flare activity three years from now. Those flares could affect the world’s electrical systems, leaving people without electricity for months or years.” These solar flare theories have been proven incorrect by NASA. Solar activity has a regular cycle which peaks every 11 years. Near these peaks, flares can interrupt satellite communication. The next peak is scheduled for the 2012 - 2014 time frame, but it will be no different than the previous cycles throughout history.

There were many previous predictions that the world was going to end, dating as far back as 1806. These, obviously, were all incorrect. The most recent was predicted for May of last year. This date was based on a mathematical system created by Harold Camping to interpret prophecies hidden in the Bible, the same system used to predict the false 1994 end date.

Although there are a wide variety of theories, science has proven that the world is definitely planning on ending anytime soon.

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